I did go grocery shopping before the Snow of the Decade, but I didn't do it with menu in mind nor grocery list in hand.
However, what I did make actually tasted pretty good even if it's simple and boring.
I made jasmine rice using chicken broth, for starters.
The two pounds of hamburger was unloaded into my large skillet which already had a good dose of EVOO heating up nicely inside. After I put the chunk in the skillet, I coated it with cinnamon, a few dashes of allspice, and a couple of quick flicks of cayenne pepper. Not too much. I broke up the meat which was simmering away nicely and then poured a cup of water on top and put the lid on it. Heat on medium and I let 'er rip for about 30 minutes.
It was actually a delicious, flavorful meal. I like it.
Dessert: I opened a bag of frozen peaches into a large bowl, earlier in the afternoon, and sprinkled cinnamon all over the peaches. I later sprinkled sugar on top which gets a nice juice going. They were still quite cold by the time I ate them but the juice was very cinnamon-ey.
Oh yeah, before the peaches were thawed I had some more Belgian Chocolates and Bordeaux wine (St. Emilion).
Tomorrow I'm going to make a recipe that was quoted to me while standing in line at Wegmans.
(NUMBER FOUR in 2010)
3 weeks ago
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