Sunday, June 23, 2013

Marinara sauce

Today was a big cooking day. 

Yesterday I went to the farmer's market and picked up a haul -and not just produce, either. After lunch with a friend, I bought some gourmet olive oil - from a store called "Ah Love Oil". It was blood orange infused and I was sold as soon as the assistant mentioned that she makes almond coffee cake using it.

So this morning I made blueberry muffins from scratch using the blood orange olive oil and almond extract. They have a sugar/cinnamon/flour/butter crumb topping.  I already posted this recipe.

Lunch was:
Salmon with a generous helping of olive oil, kosher salt, and pepper. In a baking pan, 30 minutes at 375.
Corn on the cob, in tin foil, olive oil/salt/pepper and wrapped up. In oven next to baking pan.
Lotta fresh squeezed lemon on the salmon when it came out.

Now,  I am making marinara sauce from those gorgeous tomatoes I bought yesterday.

I cut them up while olive oil and a whole lotta garlic was simmering.  A whole lotta means almost an entire small jar of the minced garlic in olive oil. 

I also threw in a handful of the sweet cherries I bought yesterday, also cut up, instead of any sugar.    Douse it good with white wine.  I think I used almost 3/4 of a cup.  I just poured.


Olive oil, a whole lotta garlic, white wine, tomatoes, and the sweet cherries and it's all simmering down. I should have bought some bread, I forgot. That would be great on crusty bread.


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